Master of Science in Criminal Justice

**Not currently accepting applications**

With a focus on analytics, data interpretation, and crime analysis, 我们的刑事司法理学硕士学位将使您的职业生涯朝着正确的方向发展.

拥有这个学位的职业包括犯罪分析师, criminal justice intelligence officer, data diagnostics, and others in the criminal justice field.

Ambrose Advantages

  • Small Class Sizes
  • 与教授一起进行相关研究
  • 1-on-1 Attention From Professors

student and professor in classroom

ambrose hall

student on campus

As a master's degree student at St. galaxy银河娱乐场app,你将从在刑事司法领域工作过的经验丰富的讲师那里学习. 他们在工作中的见解有助于为当今刑事司法职业的课程添加背景.

Read our MSCJ Fact Sheet (pdf)


What Will I Learn?

这个学位的课程以决策为中心, analytic techniques, and data programming languages. 这些都是为了加强你的分析和写作能力,这对数据诊断的职业生涯很重要, crime analysis, and criminal justice intelligence.

这是圣·琼斯刑事司法部门的惯例. galaxy银河娱乐场app,你将与南澳大学的教员定期进行研究. 我们的学生与教师共同撰写手稿,并在国家学术会议和期刊上发表论文. 

一旦你完成了必修课程,你将完成一篇论文或实习. 你的论文将是一个涉及数据收集和分析的研究项目, 然后向论文委员会做答辩. 实习将在你最后两个学期的课程中进行,包括240小时的现场工作和综合考试.

如果你的目标是在执法部门谋得更高的职位, security, corrections, or human services, our Master of Criminal Justice 这个项目可以让你成为一个有技能、有效率、有道德的领导者.

如果你是一名正在考虑从事刑事司法工作的本科生, learn more about your first step and our Criminal Justice program. 

How much does this degree cost?

数量有限的研究生助教奖学金和奖学金是可用的. 详情请咨询项目主管.

In addition, the St. Ambrose University Financial Aid Office 提供有关研究生贷款的信息.

2022-23 Tuition

  • $1,080/学时的座位和网上(可能会有一些折扣)

退款时间表:学生有义务全额支付所注册课程的学费, subject to the refund schedule. 每个学期的具体退款日期见校园校历.

  • 您有10天的时间更改您的注册,而不会受到处罚.
  • You will be charged 50% of tuition through the 20th day if you drop below 9 credit hours (full-time); or, 如果你已经是一名兼职学生,并且你的学分低于原来的注册学分. If you received financial aid of any kind, 您的套餐将被重新评估,并可能调整以反映您的新注册状态.
  • 20天之后的任何更改都将被全额收取学费.

如果你完全从学校退学,则不适用此规则. 在这种情况下,你的学费将根据参加的天数按比例分配.

Graduate Fees

2023-24 Fees

9个或以上学时的研究生$280/年. ($140/semester)
8个或更少学时的研究生140美元/年. ($70/semester)


Nicole Pizzini, PhD, Chair and Professor
Chris Barnum, PhD, Professor
Regina Matheson, PhD, Professor
Zachary Carlisle, PhD, Assistant Professor
Jeffrey McCraw, JD, Lecturer

Degree Requirements



MSCJ 685 Research I, 3 credits
实习/论文选择秋季/春季MSCJ 690, 6学分
秋季/春季实习选择MSCJ 700, 6学分

Plan to Graduate


Year One

刑事司法的批判性思考 3 MSCJ 685 Research I 3
MSCJ 500 Advanced Criminological Theory 3 MSCJ 672 Contemporary Issues in Corrections 3
当代法律与少年司法问题 3 MSCJ 530 Research Design & Methods 3
Total Credits 9 Total Credits 9

Year Two

MSCJ 531 Advanced Data Analysis & Data Driven Decision Making 3 MSCJ 700/690 Internship or Thesis 3
当代法律执法问题 3 刑事司法中的伦理与社会责任 3
MSCJ 700/690 Internship or Thesis 3 MSCJ 701 Comps or Defense 0
Total Credits 9 Total Credits 6

为了获得MSCJ的本科入学资格(目标是在五年内完成学士和硕士学位),学生必须提交大学入学申请, one letter of recommendation, and meet with the program director.

Plan to Graduate


Junior year:
Fall - MSCJ 680
Spring - MSCJ 530

Senior year:
Fall - MSCJ 500 and MSCJ 531
Spring - MSCJ 685

Graduate (5th) year:
秋季- MSCJ 671, MSCJ 670和MSCJ 700/690(实习/论文-你将选择一个. 实习选项包括综合考试(mscj701 - 0学分).
弹簧- MSCJ 675, MSCJ 672,和MSCJ 700/690

Year One

CRJU 101 Intro to Criminal Justice 3 CRJU 231 Contemporary Corrections* 3
ENGL 101 English Composition 3 CRJU Justice Issues Elective* 3
Philosophy/Theology 1 口头沟通(COMM 129、132、228、230或329) 3
Foreign Language 101 3 Foreign Language 102 3
NSS 101 New Student Seminar 1 MATH 131 or 171 3
IL 101 Information Literacy 1 KIM 149 Wellness Concepts 1
Total Credits 15 Total Credits 16

Year Two

CRJU 102 Intro to Law Enforcement 3 CRJU 200 Research Methods in Sociology & CJ* 3
CRJU 221 Criminal Law and Procedures* 3-4 CRJU 316 Juvenile Justice* 3
Elective/2nd Major/Minor Course 3 Elective/2nd Major/Minor Course 3
Humanities# 3 Creative Arts 3
Natural Science 3 Philosophy/Theology 3
KIN Activity 1-2
Total Credits 16-17 Total Credits 15

Year Three

CRJU 430 Data Analysis in Social Research** 4 CRJU 303 Police, Problems and Practices* 3
WI-CRJU 400 Criminology Theory* 3 CRJU 314缓刑、假释和galaxy银河娱乐场app矫正* 3
Elective/2nd Major/Minor Course 6 Elective/2nd Major/Minor Course 9
Philosophy/Theology# 3 MSCJ 530 Research Design and Methods 3
刑事司法的批判性思考 3
Total Credits 16 Total Credits 15

Year Four

WI-CRJU 407 Seminar in Criminal Justice** 3 CRJU Just Issues Elective* 3
CRJU 411 Constitution and Criminal Justice* 3 Elective 2nd Major/Minor Course* 12
Elective/2nd Major/Minor Course* 6 MSCJ 685 Research I 3
300 Level Philosophy/Theology 3
MSCJ 500 Adv. Criminological Theory 3    
MSCJ 531 Adv. Data Analysis & Data Driven Decision Making 3
Total Credits 15 Total Credits 15

Graduate Year

MSCJ 700/690 Internship or Thesis 3 MSCJ 700/690 Internship or Thesis 3
当代法律执法问题 3 道德责任与社会责任 3
当代法律与少年司法问题 3 MSCJ 672 Contemporary Issues in Corrections 3
Presentation or Comps 0
Total Credits 9 Total Credits 9

Apply Visit Info


Tony Ketelaar,研究生招生办主任

Admissions and Welcome Center
518 W. Locust St.
Davenport, IA 52803

So, what's next?

Are you ready to take the next step? 点击下面的访问按钮,了解更多galaxy银河娱乐场app的虚拟和亲自访问选项.